Thursday, October 31, 2019

Read the case study below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Read the case study below - Essay Example This in turn affects the motivational level of customers, who are to be looking at the professional employee as an example of organizational leadership, but see only in the burnt-out employee an expression of fatalism or giving up, along with signs of frustration and even associated depressive symptoms such as wanting to sleep all the time. In other words, the average employee who has been in the profession for some time is often burnt out through emotional exhaustion, which may have occurred due to several factors. They will treat clients differently in this state of burnout and they will have a reduced sense of accomplishment. The consideration for informal groups can aid in mentoring opportunities for Western Motels, to solve this motivation problem. A mentoring program blends together elements of environmental impact and interpersonal communication skills. It posits that the formulation of a mentor relationship can help a new maid like this contextualize their own directions within a workplace amid competing issues by following the pattern of another individual. Mentoring can help new employees develop new skills. Often, the mentoring relationship can vastly benefit both parties. Employee motivation is a major problem in many organizations. â€Å"Motivation should relate to individual needs. For instance, a staff member who enjoys collaborating with others may prefer team goals; an independent worker will strive for individual objectives.† (Messmer, 2005). It is true that personal identity and pride in the job should be given top priority in redesigning the position of hotel maid, so I would keep in mind that maids need their cognitive capacities served too; they are not just manual laborers. â€Å"If we remember that the cognitive capacities (perceptual, intellectual, learning) are a set of adjustive tools†¦ then it is clear that any danger to them, any deprivation or blocking of their free use, must

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Mexican Politics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Mexican Politics - Research Paper Example This country’s 2006 election was chaotic and led to months of disputing the outcomes of the elections, where riots were held all over the capital streets. There have been some deep-seated political problems that Mexico has been trying to shed off, although at a much slower pace due to its entrenched customs (Carruthers, 1996). The politics of this country are influenced by so many factors and the war against narcotics that was started by PAN government led by Filipe Calderon in 2006 when it took over leadership of the government. The narcotics war has led to serious concerns over the future of Mexican political stability and has put bear many unanswered questions. The militarization of the narcotics war has led to some political pundits arguing that Mexico could soon be classified under failed states. This label seems very disturbing and paints the country as being on the verge of collapse, which might not be the case. However, there are numerous challenges that the political platform of Mexico faces when issues of social order and political stability are considered. The political future of this Mexican state is of importance to its Northern counterparts (Manaut, 2004). A factor that has always posed challenges to those who get into analyzing the politics of Mexico is the fact that Mexican society is complex in nature and its massive geographic size, as well as demographic figures, is quite phenomenal. It has over 32 states with an estimated 112 million people and has a metropolitan area that hosts over 21 million inhabitants (Merrill & Miro, 1996). This country has over 62 indigenous languages, although Spanish is the most dominant of them all. 60% of Mexicans are Mestizos, 30 % are Amerindians, while 10% are groups of European, Asian, and others. It has a federal form of government, a system that makes it possible for it to accommodate this demographic diversity and size. Mexican politics is quite an interesting field of study (Hal, 2010).   Analysis Mexico is a country that has very sharp definitions of regionalism and these regional variations have had a serious impact on the political landscape of this country. Many observers argue that this regionalism is to blame for the civil conflicts witnessed in the past and currently being seen, and also gives this as the best explanation for Mexico fitting well in the states where an assertion of authority by the central government is necessary. This was most evident during the Zapatista uprising in Chiapas in 1990. There was also the need to suppress Yucatan during the Caste War of the 19th century. As is the case with many federal governments, Mexican states that are away from the capital city have expressed issues with the service given by the federal government and feel they have not been well served. This has led to the central government’s ineffectiveness to administer these marginalized states and some basic facilities such as schools have failed, leading to high levels of discontent (Harvey, 1994). An interesting twist to the politics of Mexico is the claim of democratic governance since independence.  Ã‚  

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Mauritius Economy Overview

Mauritius Economy Overview Introduction Some of the Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries have managed to establish a higher standard of living over the past twenty years. It is good to note that Mauritius has been an exception to the rule, thereby showing an outperformance among the African countries. Without any natural resources, a small domestic market and open to trade economy, Mauritius exhibited several characteristics very typical compared to the African Economies namely a monocrop economy, development in the manufacturing sector and diversification towards the services sector. Contradicting the predictions of Nobel Prize recipient James Meade, who famously predicted that Mauritius would be bounded by poor development in 1961 due to its weaknesses pertaining to both weather and price instabilities and a high concentration of the labour force in the sugar sector, Mauritius has transformed itself from a poor sugar-based economy into a country with one of the highest per capita incomes among African countries. Today, th e small island nation is one of Africa’s most prosperous and stable economies and is considered as The Mauritian Miracle. According to Larry W. Bowman, experts in Mauritius, there have been four development aims of the economy into the 1990s, namely: modernising the sugar sector, expanding and diversifying manufacturing infrastructure, diversifying agriculture, and developing tourism. Arguably, between 1977 and 2009, real GDP in Mauritius grew on average by 5.1 percent annually, compared with 3.2 percent for SSA countries. Overview of the Mauritian Economy Since its independence on 12th March 1968, Mauritius has been through several phenomenal evolutions. The Mauritian economy has now moved from a primary sector characterised by unemployment and faced because exportation has been only for sugar which has contributed to a reasonably flourishing economy. In 1975, the Sugar Protocol has come to an end with the price for raw sugar being at its highest ever recorded price of  £648 and this price was thrice as that proposed by the European Commission. Consequently, as nearly all concerned economies favour to diminish its quantity it employs to supply to the UK in accordance to the Commonwealth Sugar Agreement, the economy of Mauritius, on the other hand determines in augmenting 100,000 tones of its supply of raw sugar. This has been a planned policy decision for Mauritius to gain on longer-term expected and steady export earnings whilst sacrificing shorter-term decidedly vulnerable world market conditions. Apart from the sugar boom, other poles of development such as the manufacturing and tourism sectors have been the next target for the continuous growth of the nation. However, in the late 1970s, worsening of the economic conditions began. Petroleum charges escalated, the sugar boom took its end and the balance of payments deficit progressively climbed as imports outpaced exports. By 1979, the BOP shortage totaled to a shocking US$111 million. Accordingly, Mauritius came up to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank for financial aids whereby the state furthermore arranged for some measures, like cutting food subsidies, devaluing the currency, and limiting government wage augmentations, thus causing a big break in the Mauritian trade. During the 1970s, the government passes the Export Processing Zone (EPZ) Act whereby it grants incentive and concessions to businesses sending abroad their commodities. The EPZ has been a successful one, proving better than the sugar sector as being the most important export-earning sector. The employment rate rises due to the fact of more people being employed that in the sugar sector. Mauritius experiences its first trade surplus in 1986. There has been a parallel increase in the number of hotel beds and air flights as tourism expands. There was this feel of optimism in the atmosphere at the same time the nations economic success encouraged comparisons with other Asian economies which were vigorous too, including Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and the Republic of Korea (South Korea). While Mauritius loses sugar preferences in 2004, the Multi fibre agreement ends in 2005 while African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) preferences phases out in 2012. The Mauritian economy has been somewhat victorious in expanding its economic activities by shifting from its dependence on mainly sugar and textiles into a nation supplying financial intermediation, management consultancy and Information Communication Technology (ICT) services. Agriculture may be imperative to the Mauritian economy but it no longer governs around. Its share in real GDP has fallen from around 12% in 1990 to approximately 4% at present. On the other hand, the service sector is heavily composed of tourism along with financial services which is now the most important pillars in the economy of around 74% of real GDP. Another area of concentration is the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which refers to eight international development goals that have been launched following the Millennium Summit of the United Nations. On the 8th September 2000, Mauritiusalong with other 188 Member States of the United Nations, agree upon the United Nations Millennium Declaration, which exemplifies eight precise goals as well as eighteen targets to develop civilisation for a better future.These objectives are to be accomplished by the year 2015, using year 1990 as a baseline. During the Financial crisis impacting in the middle of 2007 and into 2008 in the US, Ramlall (2009) finds that the main index of the Mauritius stock market has been affected whereby SEMDEX happens to be more vulnerable to changes in international stock markets. He additionally explains on the retreat by foreigners done throughout the crisis on the back of undermined international portfolio diversification. Nonetheless, risks deepen as the crisis persistently lead to an economic instability. Consequently, the banking sector remains susceptible to drop in income and debt servicing capacities in addition to difficulties faced by the sectors which are pillars to the economy. Mauritius being a member of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) has joined in through August 2005 along with several other African nations whereby the latter has approved to macroeconomic convergence criteria and goals for nations in the region. It has been noted that convergence goals have been positio ned for 2008, 2012, 2015 and 2018, with demanding goals set for the other periods whereby the Ministers of Finance being member of the SADC have approved of this. For 2008, SADC forecasts its members to have single-digit inflation rates, budget deficit being less than 5% of GDP, nominal value of public and publicly guaranteed debt as a ratio of GDP should not go beyond 60%, foreign reserves equating to three months’ imports and central bank credit to the state being less than 10% of the preceding year’s tax income –Mboweni (2003). Next, Mauritius is as well a member of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) along with other 18 African countries. It is known that the COMESA Treaty, setting the agenda for COMESA, envelops a great figure of sectors and activities. Nonetheless, the realisation of the whole COMESA mandate is seen as being a long-term objective. Adding more, for the latter to be greatly effective as an organisation, it has characterised its main concerns within its mandate such that the Promotion of Regional Integration through Trade and Investment. The aims and objectives of COMESA are, consequently, to aid in the elimination of the structural and institutional flaws of member States to permit them to accomplish collective and continued development. Mauritius has held up well against the unrelenting global economic crisis, even though its growth momentum has alleviated where the real GDP growth rate projected at 3.3% in 2012 down from 3.8% in 2011. Anticipations for 2013 and 201 4 show a slow but sure improvement with growth rates mounting to 3.8% and 4.2% respectively. Public Finance Management (PFM) systems and institutions are normally strong however more reforms are required to deal with emerging challenges associated to public sector competence and recent transparency concerns. Social and human capital progress is elevated and supported by healthy economic freedoms and a strong social welfare system. Nonetheless, further developments in education superiority and importance are looked for to boost the nation`s competitiveness. Trade Openness Strategy Mauritius has been subject to numerous developments be it on economic or infrastructural grounds among others. The award goes to the level of openness to international horizon as well as to FDI that comes in and goes out of the country. As a matter of fact, this boost the competitiveness of Mauritius as a trading partner within each and every association that it belongs to. We measure trade openness by the ratio of exports plus imported divided by GDP ((X+M)/GDP) throughout our study. In the mid-1980s, the volume of imports grew at a rate of 8.7% as compared to that of exports which grew at a rate of only 5.4%, thus illustrating that Mauritius is an economy which heavily depends on the imports of goods. It is good to note that Mauritius is also known as a Net Food Importing Developing country. Figure 3.1: Computed Trade Openness Ratio, 1980-2012 Mauritius has been an economy protected by tariffs and quotas in the 1970’s and the early 1980’s. On average, the rate of protection has been high and pretty much dispersed. This is inferred from the rather poor openness ratio of 0.9325 in 1983 as is shown in Figure 3.1 above. Following an openness strategy towards the world, an overall improvement in the openness ratio has been noted. However, fluctuations still exist. A rise in import for petroleum products results in the period 2004-2005 which contributes to a deficit in the trade balance. High oil prices in the world market and the depreciation of the rupee vis-à  -vis the US dollar contributed massively towards the trade deficit. Today, our small island is actively participating in the multilateral trading system and is a member of various economic groupings and trade agreements. Participation in regional agreements is crucial for Mauritius because such an act allows exploitation of comparative advantages and economies of scale, improves Mauritian’s competitive edge, allows diversification of exports and finally facilitates easy integration into the world economy. Trade Performance Mauritius is known to have been running deficit in the visible trade balance which has been offset at  times by surpluses on invisible trade account. Bulk exports of Mauritian goods (namely  70% of the total value) comprise of manufacturing products. Though decreasing in share,  clothing remains the main manufactured export (from 57% in 2001 to 36% in recent years). Sugar has remained the main agricultural export, contributing around 16% to total merchandise  trade. Imports as well continued to be dominated by manufactured goods. Leading imports include  machinery and transport equipment, radio/television transmission apparatus, textile and  chemicals. The share of textiles has decreased from 20% in 2001 to 7% in recent years. Nevertheless, textiles remain an important import item. The EU is the major destination for most of the Mauritian export. The bulk of Mauritian sugar   and a large share of its textiles and clothing are destined to the EU. The UK remains the major  single destination followed by France and the US. On import grounds, the EU supplies around  one third of the total value of Mauritius’ merchandise imports. Other major suppliers include  China, South Africa, France, India and Germany. The share of Middle East countries (Bahrain,  Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates) has considerably increased, reflecting mainly the  increase of oil prices. Economic Performance Figure 3.2: GDP (in million US$) for Mauritius, 1980-2012 Figure 3.3: Inflation Rate (%), 1980-2012 Figure 3.4: Unemployment Rate (%) in Mauritius, 1983-2012 Figure 3.5: Computed FDI to GDP Ratio, 1980-2012

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Men of Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston Essays

The Men of Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston, the reader is given a particular glimpse into Janie's life with reference to the men she has known.   Janie's three men are all very different, yet they were all Janie's husband at one point in her life.   Although they all behaved differently, in lifestyle as well as their relationship with Janie, they all shared certain similarities.        Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Janie's first husband was a poor old soul named Logan Killicks.   He was an ugly, dirty farmer whose prime concern for Janie was that she do her share of the work in order to keep the farm up and running.   Janie was simply another pair of hands to do some work.   When compared with Janie's second husband, Logan seems uncaring and rude.      When Janie first met her second husband, Joe, he was very caring and reassuring - an ideal husband.   Joe was an ambitious young man with many goals set out for him.   And like Janie, he was raised around a white background.   Joe strived to be and have the best at everything.   However, once Joe got Janie as his wife, he became a jealous and demanding man, just as Logan had been.   Joe saw himself as a god, his sentences began with " I god..." ... ...use he used it to help himself become mayor.   Tea Cake loved Janie for who she was as a woman.   All three had completely different things to offer Janie economically, socially, and emotionally.  Ã‚  Ã‚   The two rich men loved a woman, the poor man loved Janie.    Works Cited and Consulted: Hurston, Zora Neale. Their Eyes Were Watching God. New York: Perennial Classics, 1990. Interpretations: Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987. Williams, Shirley Anne. Forward. Their Eyes Were Watching God. By Zora Neale Hurston. New York: Bantam-Dell, 1937. xv.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

IP Subnetting

As part of your assigned readings and material covered in your class lecture, you have learned about IP subnetting including the math involved. For this assignment, you will answer questions relating to IP subnetting.Resources: Textbook Lecture materials and notesDeliverables Answer the questions in the following section. Turn in your responses to your instructor. Be sure to show your work, meaning your steps to convert binary to decimal, etc.Questions: 1. How many bits of mask are required to provide 30 host addresses? 27 Mask= How many networks will be created using a given a class A IP network (i.e., 2563. What would be the dotted decimal equivalent o the slash notation of /30? What would be the dotted decimal equivalent o the slash notation of /8? What would be the dotted decimal equivalent o the slash notation of /17? What would be the dotted decimal equivalent o the slash notation of /12? 255. 240.0.07. Given 9 bits of mask for the host portion, how many host addresses are available? 5108. Given 13 bits of mask for the host portion, how many host addresses are available? 81909. Given 3 bits of mask for the host portion, how many host addresses are available? 610. Given 8 bits of mask for the network portion, how many subnets are available? 102411. Given 4 bits of mask for the network portion, how many subnets are available? 819212. Explain the reasoning behind the concept of â€Å"subnet zero.†Prior to Cisco IOS Software Release 12.0, the ip subnet-zero global configuration command was required to be able to configure subnet zero on an interface, but in v12.0 this command became part of the default configuration and is now utilized in network addressing.13. For a network address, what does the host portion of the address appear as in binary representation? 014. For a broadcast address, what does the host portion of the address appear as in binary representation? 25 515. Complete the table below: IP Address Dotted Decimal Subnet Mask Broadcast Address8.2.6.5/16 the following pages to show your work for Question 15 or any other question.IP Subnetting Work:IP Subnetting Work:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Analogy of Poetry Essay

The poem There Is Another Sky by Emily Dickinson was a poem written for her brother Austin. Emily uses nature to explain the message she is trying to provide for him. The poem provides a hopeful and positive feeling. The poem is full of optimism and inspiration. The pint of the poem is to provide encouragement and offer guidance. The lines â€Å"Here is a brighter garden† and â€Å"And there is another sunshine† demonstrate the optimism she is trying to portray. There are no stanzas or major events in the poem. The order that the aspects of nature are presented in provides. The last few lines of the poem further enhance the message. The poem ends with an open invitation for Austin to leave his gloomy state. Dickinson shows a sincere concern while providing inspiration for both the readers and her brother. She describes a utopia throughout the poem and uses words to describe a better place such as serene, fair, brighter, and unfading. The title there is another sky provides the since that there is an alternative option instead of a consistent negative outlook on life. There is a change in tone after the dash. Before the dash Dickinson states that there is a negative place and recognizes that everything in life doesn’t always work in your favor. She also uses â€Å"there is† creating distance. After the dash Dickinson implies that there in fact is another sky. She uses â€Å"here is† which implies that she can provide a better situation. Knowing that the poem is for her brother almost obligates you to feel sympathy for him and makes her message even stronger. Overall, Emily is trying to say that entering a new mind set and believing that there is a light at the end of the tunnel can provide you with a new attitude.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Sustainable Tourism

Sustainable tourism is very important for the advancement and the current and future welfare of our environment. This is an important issue facing our society and must be dealt with in order for our environment to survive. Sustainability, as a model for development, establishes the need to satisfy the requirements of today's society without making it impossible for future generations to satisfy their own. Basically, this means that the development of a country cannot be achieved by the unrestrained exploitation of its resources (natural, cultural, social, etc.) to the point of extinguishing or destroying them, seeking to fulfill the needs of the present population (food, housing, health, work, etc.), without recognizing that these resources are the only platform, or potential asset, that the future generations of this country will have to meet their own needs. For tourism, sustainability is not only a response to the demand factors of the industry, it is a n indispensable condition to be able to complete successfully and, even more important, to be able to survive over the long run. The ever-deteriorating world ecological and social crisis have had a significant impact on human consciousness and, therefore, have also seriously impacted the accelerated growth rate that environmental tourism experienced in the past decade, to the point that it has meant a significant change in the habits and expectations of the world's tourists. Unfortunately, in the last decade we paid most of our attention to the ecological aspects, but very little to the implications of the impact that tourism has on the quality of life and on the sociological heritage of the communities that are directly affected by this industry. It is time to change the tourism tide to a more integral one, namely, a sustainable tourism. As we look at these changes in the expectations of the tourists, we notice how each day they are demanding a more ac... Free Essays on Sustainable Tourism Free Essays on Sustainable Tourism Sustainable tourism is very important for the advancement and the current and future welfare of our environment. This is an important issue facing our society and must be dealt with in order for our environment to survive. Sustainability, as a model for development, establishes the need to satisfy the requirements of today's society without making it impossible for future generations to satisfy their own. Basically, this means that the development of a country cannot be achieved by the unrestrained exploitation of its resources (natural, cultural, social, etc.) to the point of extinguishing or destroying them, seeking to fulfill the needs of the present population (food, housing, health, work, etc.), without recognizing that these resources are the only platform, or potential asset, that the future generations of this country will have to meet their own needs. For tourism, sustainability is not only a response to the demand factors of the industry, it is a n indispensable condition to be able to complete successfully and, even more important, to be able to survive over the long run. The ever-deteriorating world ecological and social crisis have had a significant impact on human consciousness and, therefore, have also seriously impacted the accelerated growth rate that environmental tourism experienced in the past decade, to the point that it has meant a significant change in the habits and expectations of the world's tourists. Unfortunately, in the last decade we paid most of our attention to the ecological aspects, but very little to the implications of the impact that tourism has on the quality of life and on the sociological heritage of the communities that are directly affected by this industry. It is time to change the tourism tide to a more integral one, namely, a sustainable tourism. As we look at these changes in the expectations of the tourists, we notice how each day they are demanding a more ac...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Compare the Ways in Which Two Poets Use the Symbol of a Rose and Explore the Effects of Their Words Upon the Reader Essays

Compare the Ways in Which Two Poets Use the Symbol of a Rose and Explore the Effects of Their Words Upon the Reader Essays Compare the Ways in Which Two Poets Use the Symbol of a Rose and Explore the Effects of Their Words Upon the Reader Essay Compare the Ways in Which Two Poets Use the Symbol of a Rose and Explore the Effects of Their Words Upon the Reader Essay Compare the ways in which two poets use the symbol of a rose and explore the effects of their words upon the reader. A rose is most commonly known to represent love and affection towards another person. However, it can be used to symbolize the opposite feelings as the reader understands in the first poem, A Gift of a Rose. Both poems, A Gift of a Rose and A Red, Red Rose describe the rose, but in two very contrasting aspects of love and desire and hatred and blood.A Red, Red Rose, written by Robert Burns, uses positive connotations of the word ‘Rose’ to describe his affections to his love and uses the traditional cliche of a rose to show this. Robert Burns uses a rose in a conventional way to declare his love in a Sonnet form as one would have done in the 18th century. Through the use of repetition of the word ‘Red’ in the title, it suggests a deep and matured love for the other person. Burns confirms this idea of deep love when he sa ys, â€Å"So deep in luve am I,† telling the reader directly what the poem is about.The poem also consists of hyperboles which also show the depth of his love as he is comparing her to all the things he finds beautiful or fascinating, such as â€Å"a red, red rose,† which is also how he sees her. By using a capital letter at the beginning of the words ‘Luve’ and ‘Dear’, it emphasises his affection for the other person and makes the poem seem more loving and affectionate. In contrast, A Gift of a Rose, written by Fred D’Aguiar, does not use a ‘red, red rose’ as a cliche, but instead subverted the word to describe discrimination, hurt and open wounds, with violent diction, metaphorical phrases and negative connotations.This poem describes a discrimination against a black person. The use of a red rose in this poem is to symbolise violence, anger and bloodshed. The use of a red rose gives a sarcastic tone to the poem, reflectin g on the way black people were treated at the time. Metaphors such as â€Å"a bunch of red roses†, meaning several wounds and â€Å"I have a bouquet of my own for them†, meaning many ways of revenge, add to the harshness of the poem and gives a sense of disturbance to the reader as it makes the thorns on a rose much more prominent than the flower itself. Alliteration is also used such as â€Å"a rose for a rose† to add emphasis on etting revenge and the hurt that has been caused. The phrase â€Å"red, red roses† in this poem, suggests a very deep sense of anger and violence inside the victim and in this case, the lack of love towards the person discriminated. When comparing the two poems, the reader discovers that the rose has many different meanings and can be used to symbolise to very contrasting situations of love and of revenge. A Red, Red Rose is a far gentler poem which uses much softer and flowing words such as ‘played’, ‘mileâ⠂¬â„¢, ‘smile’, ‘will’, ‘still’ etc. they all use the letter ‘l’ which adds a lyrical rhythm to the poem.Whereas A Gift of a Rose uses far harsher and violent diction, such as ‘statistic’, ‘ice’, ‘exit’, ‘epithets’ etc, which all use the letter ‘t’ which is harsh sounding and negative. However, both poems do use repetition for example; â€Å"red, red roses† is used in both poems to show the depth of feeling in the writer. The gift of a rose also repeats the words â€Å"rose† and â€Å"flowers† throughout the poem, emphasising the hurt and pain, whereas a red, red rose only has to say the word once to show his love as the sonnet structure of the poem gives the idea away.In conclusion, the word rose can be expressed in several ways and have several meanings which may contradict one another but overall have similar meanings. A gift of a rose uses the symbol of a rose to show revenge, violence, anger and hurt but still use it in symbolising feelings, whereas the feelings shown in a red, red rose, are very much opposite and have an opposite effect on the reader through use of language, metaphors and the meaning of the rose symbol.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Review of the Character of Fielding and Aziz in E.M. Forster’s Book, A Passage to India

A Review of the Character of Fielding and Aziz in E.M. Forster’s Book, A Passage to India Emotional Unorthodoxy in Personal Relations Of Forster’s many declarations in his essay â€Å"What I Believe,† the most salient is that personal creeds or beliefs â€Å"stiffen† a person and render them less open-minded about everything that defies that creed. The budding friendship between Anglo-Indian Fielding and native Indian Aziz in Forster’s novel A Passage to India demonstrates the value of personal relationships over the value of creeds that generally obstruct those relationships. Forster does this in a way that highlights the unorthodox emotional and temperamental qualities of both men, suggesting that, without these, a friendship between the two who be unlikely. The relationship between Aziz and Fielding, while eventually descending out of real friendship, is based on their joined effort of overlooking the prejudices about Anglo-Indians and native Indians, respectively. However, to say that they are able to connect by ignoring prevailing prejudices is inaccurate; their ability to connect as they do is primarily because they are both of specific temperaments that allow them to be more emotionally accessible to the other. Fielding, according to the narrator, believes that â€Å"[t]he world†¦is a globe of men who are trying to reach one another and can best do so by the help of good will plus culture and intelligence† (62), and we are told that this is only because, unlike many of his fellows, Fielding has had ample time away from the â€Å"herd† of the English. He is not without prejudice or assumptions about non-English peoples. However, even when Aziz and Fielding’s emotional connection is strained by an ignorant co mment—like when Fielding implies Aziz, â€Å"an obscure Indian, had no right to have heard of Post Impressionism† (66-67)—the obvious underlying â€Å"good will† to both of their intentions softens the blow of their fumbles. If not for this perceptiveness, or indeed the willingness to perceive the character of the other as opposed to the stereotype of the other, both Fielding and Aziz could easily have written the other off as just another Anglo-Indian or just another native Indian. For his part, Aziz, who is generally unimpressed with Anglo-Indians, is eager to meet Fielding, as he perceives in Fielding a â€Å"true courtesy† and a â€Å"good heart† (60). This is unconventional for Anglo-Indians, and it is the continued emphasis on Fielding’s unconventionality and optimism about personal relations that attracts Aziz (67); Fielding is unconventionally willing to be vulnerable around Aziz—in a subtle way. Allowing an eager Aziz to assist him with his collar stud, for example, dispels a tension that might otherwise exist in a new meeting between any other Anglo-Indian and Indian. Aziz, of â€Å"so emotional a people,† appreciates and even idolizes this tendency in Fieldin g (65). While Fielding shows his prejudice by recognizing the tendency as a stereotyped action of Indians in general, he also acknowledges the tendency as useful in â€Å"[dispensing] with preliminaries† and getting right to the intimacy of friendship (65). Aziz’s openness to this unconventional Anglo-Indian and Fielding’s appreciation of Aziz’s ice-breaking emotionality paves the way for a friendship that might not exist if either had been of the mind to accept the prevailing prejudices toward each other’s â€Å"type.† While both men manage to set aside those prejudices and expectations of either’s behavior for the sake of friendship, that friendship is in constant jeopardy of collapse. By the novel’s end, the conflict borne of differences in the display of emotions and intentions finally unravels, and both Fielding and Aziz concur that the friendship they once cultivated cannot continue as it once had (316). While this is potentially a regression into their stiffening creeds, the moments when both men were able to approach the other as a person rather than as a character of India or a character of England illustrate the positive, if not completely enduring effects of personal relations over creeds and beliefs.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Account for the economic development of the Tokugawa period Essay

Account for the economic development of the Tokugawa period - Essay Example Japan had a very unsteady history with periods of civil wars and not much progress. The country was divided with poor developmental progress. But the scenario was greatly altered after Tokugawa Ieyasu took over the country. He provided for a new beginning in the history of Japan. The period during which he ruled was known as the Tokugawa period. It was also referred to as the Edo period because the capital of the country was moved to Edo after Ieyasu took over. The Tokugawa period was a period of modernization, expansion and progress for the country and thus was also given the name of the Modern Period. This period lasted for approximately two and a half centuries. It started from 1603and ended in 1868. During this entire episode the country was ruled by Tokugawa and then his family and hence the entire phase was given the name of the Tokugawa period. In the Tokugawa period, there was not much technological advance in the country but the economy of the country flourished. In this period Japan isolated itself from the rest of the world which can be a reason for its lesser technological advances. This period laid the foundations for today’s economically stable Japan. This period was a golden era. The population of the country remained constant for these two and a half centuries. According to a first population consensus which was conducted in 1720 the population of the country was thirty million which stayed almost the same during the entire period. It has been seen that now Japan depends greatly upon imports from other countries particularly for food and energy. But in the Tokugawa period Japan was very self sufficient in all its resources. Though Japan is not very rich in natural resources but it was seen in the late Modern Period that salt was produced from coal and still there was no shortage of the fossil fuels. Reasons that have been provided for this are that because of the isolation from the rest of the world, there was a realization

Disability And Chronic Illness In Nursing Essay

Disability And Chronic Illness In Nursing - Essay Example (A Beautiful Mind: 21-3-2005). Taking Melissa's case, lets discuss the various aspects of chronic illnesses. Chronic pain is not very responsive to narcotics and analgesics; it is more restrictive to different therapies of pain. Only a few patients can define an injury or pain as the cause of the illness, which is much lesser than the psychological feelings of depression and trauma, which such patients undergo. All these side effects may be the main cause for the chronic pain. (T.J. Murray, Chronic Pain Study). Chronic pain is an important social and medical problem for many reasons. It is very distressing to patients, as it affects their life and even their employment, and not very responsive to treatment. Chronic pain is associated with large financial, as in the case of Melissa, who did not get any sort of compensation or insurance for her treatment. In spite of its regularity and large costs, it becomes very difficult to understand and manage a patient, and ultimately becomes a cause of stress and confusion to everyone concerned with the patient. Chronic pain becomes the main cause of irritation for everyone - the patient, his or her family and friends, the employers, the insurance and payment agencies, and their physicians. As the patients don't respond to treatment, the physicians try to find a cause for the illness. Annually around billion dolla... percent of all pain patients go on to become chronic, the chronic pain patients come up to around more than half of the total cost of compensation for the pain, and stand for an rising group of very distraught and suffering people. (T.J. Murray, Chronic Pain Study). It is very difficult to understand and assess people with chronic illness, and difficult to fairly take care and compensate such people. The patient can only experience the pain in such chronic illnesses, it is difficult for anybody to assess the pain, an outsider can only experience it, as the patient says the pain is there. Chronic pain is defined as constant pain for more than 6 months when normal healing should have been expected. Some of the steps, which can be taken to ensure better care for chronic patients, are Recognition of the emotional, physical, behavioral and psychological factors involved in patients with chronic pain. Educating physicians, nurses and other health care professional of the nature and management of patients with chronic pain. Adopting a proper rehabilitation program for chronic pain like, better care for trauma and pain, recognizing the characteristics and behavior of pain, stressing the need for improved activity and physical movement, even in the case of pain, accepting the aim to return to work early. (T.J. Murray, Chronic Pain Study). Apart from the illness, people like Melissa have to face the social stigma, associated to such disabilities. Scholars of the disability policy describe four different models of disability: A right model of disability which considers disability as the outcome of a sin, a medical model of disability which considers disability as a fault or sickness, which can be cured by medicines, a rehabilitation model, an outcome of the medical model,

Data Interpretation Exercise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Data Interpretation Exercise - Essay Example Patients AP and JC have impaired glucose tolerance since the glucose level during fasting is above 6.1mmol/l while during the 2 hour OGTT it ranges from 7.0 to 11.1 mol/l. Finally, patient JL has both impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes since the glucose level before OGTT test are above 7.8mmol/L and the glucose level is above 11.1mol/l during the test. The major symptoms for diabetes mellitus are increased thirst and urine volume, tiredness and fatigue, high levels of glycosuria, unexplained weight gain, blurred vision and recurrent infections (Nathan, 1993; Elliott and Meyer, 2007).The major complications associated with diabetes mellitus are diabetic neuropathy (affecting peripheral nerves, motor and sensory nerves), diabetic nephrophathy, vascular complications and retinopathy (Nathan, 1993). Other long term complications are a predilection towards specific infections such as monilial skin disease and rhonocerebral mycomycosis, cognitive impairment and periarticular thickenin g of skin causing reduced mobility (Wheat, 1980). 3. What is diabetic ketoacidosis? How and why may it arise in diabetic patients? How may it be effectively treated? Diabetic ketoacidosis is a health condition which occurs mainly in patients with Type 1 diabetes. It occurs due to accumulation of ketones in the blood making it acidic. It is common in type 1 diabetic patients whose pancreas is unable to produce insulin hormone which is needed in glucose utilization. As a result, glucose accumulates in blood stream to levels that are greater than 22mmol/l. Because glucose is not available for cells, fats are broken down to generate energy thus releasing ketones which accumulate in blood making it acidic. Accumulation of ketones affects levels of sugar, body electrolytes and enzymes that control metabolic processes. Diabetic ketoacidosis may also occur under condition such as urinary infections, during stressful conditions or trauma and when insufficient insulin is administered. The sym ptoms for this condition are rapid weight loss, abdominal pain mostly in children, nausea, dehydration due to frequent urination, vomiting, high blood pressure, presence of ketones in urine and depleted levels of Na and Ka as these electrolytes are lost together with urine. Mild conditions are treated by supplying fluid supplements and injecting of insulin every 3 hours until ketones disappear from urine. On the other hand, moderate to severe cases are treated through patient hospitalization and supplying fluids and electrolytes. The electrolytes should also be checked frequently until they are balanced. The patient should also be monitored

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Did the British win the Boer War only to lose the peace Essay

Did the British win the Boer War only to lose the peace - Essay Example This paper will show how Britain’s victory in the Boer War robbed Britain peace. The first 1880-1881 Boer War, which has as well been entitled as the Transvaal Revolt, was against the 1877 British annexation (Lamband 2005) and (Thompson 1960). The 2nd Boer War ‘Tweede Boereoorlog’,‘ Afrikaans: Tweede Vryheidsoorlog’, or ‘Dutch: Tweede Boerenoorlog’was battled from October 11 1899 until May 31 1902 amid the Afrikaans-speaking Dutch-settlers and the British Empire of two self-governing Boer republics, the Orange Free Nation and the Transvaal Republic (South African Republic) (Pakenham 1991) and (Porter 1980). The war concluded with a victory for British and the British Empire annexed both states; both republics would finally be merged into the South African Union, a British Empire territory, in 1910 (Lamband 2005). The main root of the conflict was the political ideologies differences between the Boers and the British (Pakenham 1991) and (P orter 1980). The British imperial pursued a confederacy of the entire South Africa beneath the British emblem (Porter 1980). The Boers who lived in the two main nations namely the Orange Free State and the South African Republic tried to uphold their nationality (Pakenham 1991), (Lamband 2005) and (Schreuder1980). The two states presence, therefore, functioned as an obstruction for the unification idea of British. This hindrance of political ideology differences was more compounded with the gold discovery gold upon the Witwatersrand within the South African State (Pakenham 1991). The discovery of gold attracted thousands miners and prospectors from around the globe to the gold fields with one aim in mind - to pursue their treasure. The South African Republican inhabitants saw the new arrivals (Uitlanders) as a danger to their ongoing sovereignty (Porter 1980).The Kruger administration (of the South African Republic), consequently, placed limitations upon the Uitlander's license for Volksraad and presidential elections (judicial assembly/ Boers’ legislature) to naturalized inhabitants who had lived in the nation for 14 years (Pakenham 1991), (Lamband 2005) and (Schreuder 1980). Although relatively a small number of newcomers were sincerely concerned on the franchise issue, this turned into a crucial issue amid the British regime and the South African Republican government (Lamb and 2005) and (Thompson1960). In 1835 to 1845, around 15,000 Voortrekkers (populaces of Dutch-extract) shifted out of the Cape Colony (British) through the Gariep-Orange River to the central of South Africa (Thompson 1960). Voortrekkers’ Great Trek was a refutation of the Britain’s philanthropic guidelines with its white and black equalization at the Cape Colony as well as the political sidelining they underwent on the eastern-Cape border (Pakenham 1991) and (Thompson 1960). They founded two independent nations - the Orange Free State and the Transvaal - as acknowled ged by Great-Britain in 1852, at the Sand River as well as 1854 Bloemfontein Treaties (Porter 1980), (Lamband 2005) and (Schreuder 1980).The republicans attained the title 'Boers', the ‘Dutch and Afrikaans’ expression for farmers. Similar to many African societies in their frontiers, the stock ranching Boers relished a pre-industrialist, near-subsistence economy. Just gradually effectual state

Why SOX and PCAOB came into existence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Why SOX and PCAOB came into existence - Essay Example Apart from this, it needs that management evaluates the efficiency of internal control over financial reporting. Additionally, it requires independent auditor attest to, and report on management assessment of the internal controls. According to Northrup (2009), there are several implications of SOX on the accounting profession. One of the implications is that auditors of public companies are required to issue three opinions; an opinion on management’s assessment of internal controls over financial reporting, a view on whether the financial statements are presented fairly and their own appraisal about the efficiency of internal controls over financial reporting. The main intension of SOX is to protect investors by improving reliability and accuracy of corporate disclosure that are made pursuant to the security rules, and for other reasons. Objective of PCAOB is to oversee the auditors of governmental organizations and companies so as to protect the interest of the preparation of informative, independent and fair audit reports. Moeller (2008) asserts that the rules inflicted on the accounting occupation by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) require sovereign auditor to evaluate the efficiency of the internal controls over financial reporting by the use of a method of recognition. It releases Audit Standard No. 2 which describes internal controls over financial reporting, and management responsibilities which are being set out. This audit standard emphasize on the importance of the Environment control and Anti-Fraud Programs and Controls in assessing internal control over financial reporting. The PCAOB develop some issues which are related to the registration and reporting of public accounting firms, inspections, professional standards, investigations and adjudications. SOX and PCAOB have recognized the significance of the assessment of the Control Environment and Anti-Fraud Programs and control to the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Data Interpretation Exercise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Data Interpretation Exercise - Essay Example Patients AP and JC have impaired glucose tolerance since the glucose level during fasting is above 6.1mmol/l while during the 2 hour OGTT it ranges from 7.0 to 11.1 mol/l. Finally, patient JL has both impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes since the glucose level before OGTT test are above 7.8mmol/L and the glucose level is above 11.1mol/l during the test. The major symptoms for diabetes mellitus are increased thirst and urine volume, tiredness and fatigue, high levels of glycosuria, unexplained weight gain, blurred vision and recurrent infections (Nathan, 1993; Elliott and Meyer, 2007).The major complications associated with diabetes mellitus are diabetic neuropathy (affecting peripheral nerves, motor and sensory nerves), diabetic nephrophathy, vascular complications and retinopathy (Nathan, 1993). Other long term complications are a predilection towards specific infections such as monilial skin disease and rhonocerebral mycomycosis, cognitive impairment and periarticular thickenin g of skin causing reduced mobility (Wheat, 1980). 3. What is diabetic ketoacidosis? How and why may it arise in diabetic patients? How may it be effectively treated? Diabetic ketoacidosis is a health condition which occurs mainly in patients with Type 1 diabetes. It occurs due to accumulation of ketones in the blood making it acidic. It is common in type 1 diabetic patients whose pancreas is unable to produce insulin hormone which is needed in glucose utilization. As a result, glucose accumulates in blood stream to levels that are greater than 22mmol/l. Because glucose is not available for cells, fats are broken down to generate energy thus releasing ketones which accumulate in blood making it acidic. Accumulation of ketones affects levels of sugar, body electrolytes and enzymes that control metabolic processes. Diabetic ketoacidosis may also occur under condition such as urinary infections, during stressful conditions or trauma and when insufficient insulin is administered. The sym ptoms for this condition are rapid weight loss, abdominal pain mostly in children, nausea, dehydration due to frequent urination, vomiting, high blood pressure, presence of ketones in urine and depleted levels of Na and Ka as these electrolytes are lost together with urine. Mild conditions are treated by supplying fluid supplements and injecting of insulin every 3 hours until ketones disappear from urine. On the other hand, moderate to severe cases are treated through patient hospitalization and supplying fluids and electrolytes. The electrolytes should also be checked frequently until they are balanced. The patient should also be monitored

Why SOX and PCAOB came into existence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Why SOX and PCAOB came into existence - Essay Example Apart from this, it needs that management evaluates the efficiency of internal control over financial reporting. Additionally, it requires independent auditor attest to, and report on management assessment of the internal controls. According to Northrup (2009), there are several implications of SOX on the accounting profession. One of the implications is that auditors of public companies are required to issue three opinions; an opinion on management’s assessment of internal controls over financial reporting, a view on whether the financial statements are presented fairly and their own appraisal about the efficiency of internal controls over financial reporting. The main intension of SOX is to protect investors by improving reliability and accuracy of corporate disclosure that are made pursuant to the security rules, and for other reasons. Objective of PCAOB is to oversee the auditors of governmental organizations and companies so as to protect the interest of the preparation of informative, independent and fair audit reports. Moeller (2008) asserts that the rules inflicted on the accounting occupation by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) require sovereign auditor to evaluate the efficiency of the internal controls over financial reporting by the use of a method of recognition. It releases Audit Standard No. 2 which describes internal controls over financial reporting, and management responsibilities which are being set out. This audit standard emphasize on the importance of the Environment control and Anti-Fraud Programs and Controls in assessing internal control over financial reporting. The PCAOB develop some issues which are related to the registration and reporting of public accounting firms, inspections, professional standards, investigations and adjudications. SOX and PCAOB have recognized the significance of the assessment of the Control Environment and Anti-Fraud Programs and control to the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Hinduism And The Sacred Cow Essay Example for Free

Hinduism And The Sacred Cow Essay A look at the various cultures in the world indicates that each community has its unique practices. Most of those cultural practices are divinely inspired. Some traditional tribes for example worship the mountains believing they are the abode of the Gods. Others may revere snakes seeing them as angels sent to guard the earth. Such beliefs are not mere practices but owe their basis to the core of such a community’s origin. For the Hindus, their veneration of cows is well chronicled and has been studied over time. An in-depth analysis reveals interesting aspects of this community and creates a better understanding of why not even the prospects of death can compel starving adherents to slaughter cows for meat. A close analysis of the sanctity of cows in Hinduism reveals that beyond religion, there are economic factors at play that makes cows to be sources of great reverence. A look at Hinduism reveals a religion that has remained adamant to the changes brought forth by the Christianity civilization. It reveals a population that holds unique doctrines and cultural practices that have defied odds, being reinforced year after year and cutting across individuals in all walks of life. It is such uniqueness and resistance that continues to be exhibited today and reinforces the reluctance to embrace the idea that cows could be a source of food as opposed to an object of worship. Though there exist scanty details that link the worship of cows to the Hindu scriptures, the raging belief is that such a belief owes its origin to Hinduism and is considered to be a core element to this belief. The extent of this reverence can be discerned from the religions tensions that have existed over time between Indian Muslims and Hindus, over the latter’s beef eating practices and the Hindus bid to have beef eating banned nationwide . With a religion that has been closely associated with vegetarianism, it is important to examine the roots of Hinduism, its reverence for cows and the ban of cows as a preferred delicacy. A look at Hinduism and its insistence on the banning of cow meet presents an interesting contrast. History reveals â€Å"that cow protection was not always the central fact of Hinduism.† Although Vedic scriptures advocated for vegetarianism, they did not mention the protection of cows. Such practice became prevalent after the inception of Buddhism. Scholarly excerpts on this topic claim that the practice of cow protection was brought by Jainism which strictly forbids meat eating. The highest of the four castes in India, the Brahman, which is seen as the custodian of religions doctrines, did not initially agitate against cow eating in fact as Harris mentions â€Å"the Brahman caste’s religions duties centered not on protecting cows but on slaughtering them† Cow meat in those early times could be distributed to the adherents’ and a means of paying off loyalty. It was also used to signify wealth. It has to be noted however that even then cow meat eating was only restricted to sacrifices. Meat eating was associated with religious rituals and ceremonies after successful battles. Vedic scriptures had provided for specification on the type of animals that could be feasted upon but as Claus et al (2003, 125) observes â€Å"there is little to indicate that cows were worshipped during the Vedic period.† Instead, such practices can be traced to what has been referred to as the Upanishadic Era. A number of factors have been identified by Brown (1957) as leading to the start of this practice. These are â€Å"the importance of the cow and its products in Vedic sacrificial ritual, the literal interpretation of figurative uses of the word cow in the Vedas†, the insistence on the sanctity of the Brahman’s cow and the identification of the cow with the mother of the gods . Since then, Hindus have considered cows to be sacred. This can be discerned by looking at the available literature or the description of cows. Hindu religious scholars offer saintly description of cows portraying a reverence which equates them to deities. A look around India reveals that immense care is exercised when handling cows. Hindus pamper them with concern and accord them respect and respect that befits that of a higher being, they even â€Å"try to place them in animal shelters when they become sick or old and can no longer be cared for at home.† Hindu scriptures claim that cows are protected by the gods (Shira Krishna) and hence each and every product that comes from cows is seen as possessing mystic powers. This can even be discerned from the way cow dung, which in the western world is considered as filth, is revered and used in various religious rituals. Cow dung, milk and urine are used to prepare holy liquids for blessing the worshippers. Such perception of animal droppings as possessing mystic power is extended to the village doctors who use it in their trade. In addition, this reverence is also inspired by the Hindus belief in reincarnation. According to Ken reincarnation simply insinuates â€Å"that one’s actions here on earth have a direct bearing on the form one will take in the next life, the highest form being a cow. † This is also referred to as transmigration and the belief that cows are spiritual beings can be used to explain the reluctance of the hunger stricken Hindus to slaughter the animals. The widely held belief is that gods resides in cows and hence anyone who dares slay or mistreat them will reincarnate into a lower being. With cows hence being held in such a high stature among the Hindus and the common belief in their spirituality, they have become a common property with estimates placing their numbers to around 330 millions. This is roughly a cow per homestead. It is a common property even amongst the paupers as no one wants to be left behind from owning such an object of spiritual pleasure. It is hard then for such people to contemplate slaughtering cows even on the blink of death. The cow is seen as an object of providence whose milk flows to quench and nourish the world. Many just watch helplessly as cows die either of hunger or old age and cannot play a role in the hastening of their deaths. Pictures of fattened cows among wizened and emaciated Hindus have been circulated in the west with a purpose probably of belittling one of the religions that has refused to die. The cradle of the matter however remains Hindus out of their religious beliefs would rather die of hunger than slaughter a cow, for this is considered to an act of great abomination. Not all however share the belief that religion alone has helped perpetuate the culture of cow protection. Though the origin of this practice is heavily engendered in the historical rituals conducted in the early times, the economic angle has helped this culture transcend years of western onslaught. To understand this aspect of thinking, it is important to analyze the economic foundation of the Hindus and how it has sustained the practice of cow protection. The economic complacency behind the rearing of cows is by the Hindus may not be easily grasped by western scholars, but the truth of the matter is that cows are seen as the source of livelihood to a community whose income barely allows anything beyond mere existence. India may be the 12th biggest in the world in terms of the GDP closely behind the developed nation but its economic background is characterized by huge inequalities. Agriculture has played a big role in the economy in addition to the manufacturing sector. However, the low productivity in the agricultural sector has been exacerbated by a number of factors key to them the inefficient small scale farming and the unwillingness or the inability to embrace modern methods of farming. The peasant farmers still practice century’s old methods of farming which greatly depends on the monsoon providence. This is a fact that has helped sustain the practice of cow protection. The centrality of agriculture as the backbone of the Indian economy is undeniable; core to this is cow breeding which has become a source of national pride. Unlike in the western nations where majority of the people reside in the urban areas the reverse is the case in India with reliable estimations putting the percentage of Indians living in the rural areas to 75. A further interesting fact about India’s peasantry farming is the use of cattle driven plows instead of tractors as is the case in modern farming. This reluctance probably emanates from the limitations in the size of the pieces of land available to each household making it uneconomical to switch to tractors. An analysis of the situation on the ground for the peasant farmers reveals that the high stature through which cows is unlikely to wane any time soon. This is because there is always a huge demand for traction animals. According to Harris â€Å"there is indeed a shortage rather than a surplus of animals.† The amounts of land that require plowing far outstretch the available traction animals. In addition to cows, oxen are highly valued for farming. This may explain the obsession for cows in the belief that a large number of cows will lead to more oxen. For those that may not exceptionally view cows as being much of spiritual beings, their reliance on farming as the only source of livelihood hence means that one must be preoccupied with the need to preserve and protect cows in the belief that they will keep on multiplying the number of oxen. This hence is a self preservation measure as the death of cows and oxen will hence undeniably mean the end of the small farms. Harris also examines further the issue of oxen and the inexplicable Hindus attachment to cows. A shortage of oxen is likely to result to debts to the farmers as they are likely to turn to renting to cover for the shortfall before the monsoon season is over. Sharing of oxen for example has being an unwise idea as most of the farmers during this period are busy preparing their farms. To avoid this each and every homestead ensures an adequate supply of cows and oxen. India is home to a population that goes beyond 700 million people, as aforementioned, 70% live in the rural areas but that still leaves a sizeable chunk of people scurrying the urban center for jobs. For the 70% portion of the population cows are seen as a source of livelihood that must be protected at all costs, this is because the urban centers offer no respite. As Harris notes, the suffering caused by unemployment and homelessness in India cities is already intolerable and hence any influx towards the urban centers will create an imbalance and outstretch the available resources leading â€Å"to unprecedented upheavals and catastrophes.† In comparison to the developed nations where agriculture is carried out in large scale, India’s agricultural sector can only be regarded as cottage and has exhibited the reluctance to embrace modernism; this extends too to the farm inputs. Westerners long ago neglected the idea that animal droppings could be used to nourish the lands and instead have resorted to organic inputs. This is not the case in India where farmers rely on manure for farming in addition to other uses. To Hindus, economic profitability of a cow is not a factor, what matters is such a cow continues to meet the purposes that it has been set out for. This explains why even barren cows are still valued despite the urgent need for milk. This is because the economic viability of a cow is not only measured through the quantity of the milk that it produces but also its other products such as cow dung that bear agricultural, cultural and spiritual purposes. The aspects of cow worship aside, cows in India are not viewed from an angle similar to that of the western world. The benefits accrued too the Hindus are not only limited to milk, in fact they are rarely kept for milk; water buffalos are reared instead. Harris agrees with this noting that â€Å"the ox is the Indian peasant’s tractor, thresher and family car combined; the cow is the factory that produces the ox. † It is important to explore the importance if cow dung to add to the spiritual importance that had been mentioned before. Where western nations do not have a current experience with cow dung as a source of heat, Hindus prefer it for a variety of reasons. To the Indian women, cow dung is not only a representation of simplicity and an experience of spiritual pleasures but it is also seen â€Å"as a superior cooking fuel because it is finely adjusted to their domestic routines. † Indeed economic importance of cow dung to the lower caste Hindus cannot be over-emphasized. It is used in all manner of places and there are people that make a living out of it. In addition to being used as a floor finishing providing a smooth surface, it supports households that make a living by collecting the animal droppings in the urban centers. To understand how feasible this is, it is important to look at the nature of the existing public policies in regard to cows. It is hence worthy noting that due to the revered status of cows, they have been allowed freedom of movement that can only be equated to that of human beings. In fact they are a major cause of traffic snarl ups in some of the urban centers in India. Their droppings hence have to be collected by the street sweepers. The huge demand placed by the house wives for cow dung makes it a feasible economic commodity.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility The paper critically examines the concepts of business ethics and corporate social responsibility in the light of doing good business. Corporate Social Responsibility; Sustainable Value; Business Ethics Good Ethics are Good for Business There has been over the last three decades a growing emphasis on companies to conduct ethically sound behaviour and practice behaviour governed by ethical code of conduct prescribed by the corporate policy. The birth of industrialization did not bring the need for ethics but the drastic consequences did, in the form of child labour, dishonest trade, lack of systematic procedures and inequity in various aspects in the businesses. Social awareness from 1960s onwards forced companies to consider ethical behaviour, which refines their actions morally and in turn produces a positive image of the company in the eyes of the existing or potential customers and the society as a whole in which the company operates. But this is where the debate arises (Crane, 2006). Ethics are good for business, as it has been claimed by many business authors. However, ethical decision making is by the most complex decision making situation that companies face today. What is ethically right to one is wrong to a nother (Blowfield, 2008). This so happens owing to the definition of ethics, according to which it is the discipline that examines ones moral standards or moral standards of the society (Santa Clara University, 2010). Every individual and society has its own set of values, beliefs and morals and the resultant is a conflict among different ethical decisions which pose a dilemma for managers of companies which are fast expanding across the global and taking into consideration a diverse customer base as well as a diverse workforce belonging to different cultures and different moral orientations (Valasquez, 2008). Following strong ethically behaviour and catering to the rights of individuals and societies which are major stakeholders in the companies, companies follow a socially responsible behaviour which is quality of running a good business (Blowfield, 2008). The need for companies to be socially responsible and ethically sound is a complex issue for the companies as they put forward cost complications as well. But nonetheless, the argument that good ethics are good for businesses is well supported and companies who are not following ethically sound behaviour are facing tremendous challenges in sustaining profitable performance of their operations. It has been argued that commitment to socially responsible behaviour and ethically sound practices is an effective long term strategy and it may lead to short term losses but its benefits are spread across the longer run, which companies have to realize to adapt. The concept of sustainable value emerges in the context of long term corporate social responsibility which companies are increasingly benefiting from (Valasquez, 2008). In todays world filled with immense global crisis and endless social and environmental issues that affect the business environment, the managers, and shareholders are increasingly concerned over the future well-being of their company. With the corporate social responsibility taken as an expense, there is growing concern over preventing overall reduction in the return to the shareholders. Chris Laszlo through his book, Sustainable Value How the worlds leading companies are doing well by doing good, provides a rather comprehensive solution to this problem: Sustainable Value, hence bringing forth social responsibility as an opportunity not as an additional cost to be borne. With a large number of companies operating to service more or less the same pool of customers, there has been heightened competition over gaining an edge in the market over the years, which keeps on increasing. Large companies focus on their competences to gauge success and minimize their costs to provide value back to their shareholders. With the new era came a new concept of corporate social responsibility, which brought the notion that a business has a duty to the society, which it has to fulfill. This only in turn brings a positive image for the company. As much as can be argued about the additional cost it brings for the company, according to Laszlo, investing in social responsibility can only allow the companies to gain competitive advantage. There are many global issues addressing the nations that the companies can choose to serve the society (Laszlo, 2007, p.75). According to Laszlo (2007) surviving in the world of today filled with global crisis let it be in the form of environmental issues that have to be reduced, societal wrongs that need to be corrected and the wellbeing of the community that is to be considered, is an intense business environment on its own. Businesses can no longer survive with a sole responsibility to its owners but being a part of the larger community they have to face the challenges and bring about solutions. Companies now are increasingly opting for addressing specific and special social and environment issues, creating awareness among the people of the society regarding the hazards and at the same time bringing to them solutions let it be in the form of their innovative products and services or through special voluntary services as part of their corporate social responsibility other than following strong ethical conduct internally. Of course, in the end the business benefits from the positive image in the minds of the potential and existing customers, and enjoys the sustainable value that ensures a profitable future (Laszlo, 2007, 178). Such an investment in social responsibility and business ethics which brings about productivity and profitability is termed as sustainable value. Sustainable value is the value given to the shareholders and stakeholders, which can be expressed in monetary terms and which is increasingly rejecting the idea that investing in corporate social responsibility only means additional costs for the business (Laszlo, 2007, p.117). Sustainable value only sustains the returns for the company and the added cost notion is just a myth that is by far the only hindrance in its successful implementation in companies. It calls for social innovation, a change in leadership style and the overall direction of the company that puts the social environment alongside its main objectives, which are all related to maximizing its returns (Vogel, 2008). Creating services and products to cater to the sustainable-value commitment of the business while at the same time applying social responsibility mechanism calls for bringing about social innovation. This, by definition, means creating new strategies, plans, concepts and ideas to address to the specific and existing social needs that are targeted by an organization (May, 2008). Social innovation is by far a different concept from the innovation encouraged in the organizations for the benefit of the organization itself alone. Social innovation has a much larger scope with takes into account the entire external as well as internal environment in which the company operates in addressing each members interests (Vogel, 2008). Sustainable value is a concept, which emerged from the groundwork put forward by the not so distant phenomenon of holistic value. This idea cleverly integrates the monetary objectives of the organization with the social environment, the community in which the business operates in and the internal structure of the organization not missing out any value generating element or competency residing inside and any future value generating opportunity lying in the outside world. Holistic value calls for realizing the bigger picture of the business world, which works successfully with the well-combined effort of its many elements (McElhaney, 2007) When one talks of sustainable value, social responsibility and holistic value, a much concerning object put in focus is the social environment within which the business operates. This social environment consists of the following elements and members: the employees that work for the company to enable it to meet its objectives; the people who are and could be the customers of the company; the social activists and environmental pressure groups which potentially hold the key to disrupting the entire organizations public image let there be any environmental mishap done through its hands; a primary and secondary set of attitudes, values and objectives of each of these groups; a profound culture; and a set of societal norms that the business has to follow up to survive in a well-established social environment (Vogel, 2008). Of course, social environment is not the only influencer of the overall business world, sustainable value strategy making calls for the vivid concern for the serious economic issues facing the nation or the world. Such as the recent global recession that affected the organizations around the world, profit sustainability became quite a challenge to overcome as a circumstance of it (Kotler, and Lee, 2008). This brings forth the ethical dilemmas against the corporate social responsibility, as the major responsibility of the company is towards its shareholders and investors to provide them the most benefits, but in times of economic crisis when the revenues shrink doing so alongside the socially responsible behaviour becomes far difficult. The Commitment to sustainable value ensures the involvement of economic issues to be addressed through a well-formed strategy in combination with the issues of the society, whilst maintain ethical standards of the corporation (Holmes, 2007). This is indeed a long strategy which cannot be implemented or formulated abruptly. According to business ethics authors, commitment towards socially responsible behaviour should be a long term strategy as its benefits are more in future than in the present (May, 2008). The starting point is making the individuals and the teams in the organisation ethically sound in their behaviour and actions so that together as a group, the entire organisations puts forwards a responsible and morally strong behaviour (May, 2008). Once the entire workforce is committed to morality and socially responsible behaviour then can only he company implement a long term strategy for sustainable value, which calls for commitment at individual as well as holistic level in order to bring forth benefits in future. In order to prevail a culture of moral soundness and responsibility, the leaders have to first analyze and understand the different backgrounds the employees belong to and establish commonality in belie fs and values in order to enable the employees to produce an ethical fit in the conduct which is similar for all and minimum conflicts occur. Ethical training is also common nowadays in order to explain to the employees the importance of their moral conduct and how well they can serve the company as well as the society through practicing ethically strong behaviour. With this commitment can only the company successfully practice social responsible behaviour and become good in the eyes of the society.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay on the Growth of Nora and Kristina Linde in Ibsens A Dolls Hous

The Growth of Nora and Kristina Linde in A Doll's House      Ã‚  Ã‚   A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen, is a play that was written ahead of its time. In this play Ibsen tackles prevailing social norms by presenting two strong-willed women. Both Kristina and Nora chose the men they married by an intellectual rather than an emotional process: Kristina gave up the man she loved (Nils Krogstad) to provide economic security for her mother and her two younger brothers; Nora married Torvald Helmer at a time when he could have prosecuted her father for financial activities which were wrong if not simply illegal.1 Whether she married him out of thankfulness or to influence him during the time of decision is not clear, but one doubts that this timing was mere coincidence; if Nora married Torvald Helmer to save her father, we have reason to doubt that she was ever as empty-headed a "doll" as she claimed to be.    Neither woman knew how to convey her thoughts and feelings to the man she loved: When Kristina broke off with Nils Krogstad, she believed she would spare him grief by ending the relationship ruthlessly and, necessarily, crushing the love he bore her. She was badly mistaken. In making him believe that she had thrown him over for a richer man, she drove him into crime. When she comes to visit Nora she has been on her own for three years and learned how to support herself. Moreover, she has become so aware of her own motivations and such an understanding of his that she comes to the town with the deliberate intent of speaking with her now-widowed lover, and she is so beyond society's concept of what a woman should do and say in a courtship that she can begin the discussion of love and marriage with him. The audience can see that ha... ... 2. The best description of this subplot and love story is Davies (1982:33-34).    Works Cited and Consulted: Brandes, Georg. 1964. Henrik Ibsen. A Critical Study. New York: Benjamin Blom. Reprint of 1899 edition. Clurman, Harold. 1977. Ibsen. New York: Macmillan. Davies, H. Neville. 1982. "Not just a bang and a whimper: the inconclusiveness of Ibsen's A Doll's House." Critical Quarterly 24:33-34. Heiberg, Hans. 1967. Ibsen. A Portrait of the Artist. Coral Gables, Florida: University of Miami. Henrik Ibsen, A Doll's House. Dover Thrift Edition, 1992 Koht, Halvdan. 1971. Life of Ibsen. New York: Benjamin Blom. Meyer, Michael. 1971. Ibsen. A Biography. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday and Company. Northam, John. 1965. "Ibsen's Search for the Hero." Ibsen. A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Are Prisons Effective? Essay -- Papers Criminal System Jail Prison Cri

Are Prisons Effective? Imprisonment; is it beneficial or non-beneficial? This argument is presented from the viewpoint of both sides of this issue. One group, "The Council on Crime in America", is pro-incarceration; while on the other side of this issue, " The National Criminal Justice Commission", is con-incarceration. Both sides have presented their viewpoints clearly and factually. Those who are for incarceration present their opinions in such a way as to sway the reader toward accepting what they say as the only answer to fight back against the growing crime rate. If the prisoners are locked up in prisons, then they cannot commit crimes. Moreover, they feel that the criminals can be rehabilitated behind bars. Also, they view imprisonment as a deterrent against future crimes. For example, if a law-breaker sees his friend imprisoned for a crime he committed, then the other party will be less willing to break the law and end up in prison as well. Furthermore, punishment itself would satisfy most of society when the criminal is imprisoned. Prison offers law-breakers a chance to receive drug treatment, educational benefits, and as stated before, a chance at rehabilitation. Also, incarceration costs less than leaving criminals out of prisons because the cost of housing inmates is less than the cost of their crimes incur. Plus, those in favor of imprisonment state that most inmates are repeat offenders that have probably committed many crimes that they have not even been caught committing. For example, some people feel that "low level drug dealers" should not be imprisoned, but these so called "low level drug dealers" usually can be credited with other crimes. Pro-incarceration feels that putting these crimi... ...obbers must be incarcerated, but the balance of non-violent criminals does not treat every criminal the same. More minorities and poor whites end up behind bars than those who can afford a high priced lawyer. Moreover, only the strong survive in prison while the weak or new prisoners are subject to rape, robbery and beatings. Thus, inmates must resort to survival tactics just to get by from day to day. This makes a non-violent offender worse than before he or she arrived at prison. Prisoners who have committed the same exact crimes do not always get the same time serve. Prisoners get humiliated besides being punished. When these prisoners are released, they must rebuild their self-esteem and families. Plus, if imprisonment was meant to be a deterrent against crime, why are there so many other criminals ready to take over for the criminal who is incarcerated.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Effect of Enzyme Catalese on Hydrogen Peroxide

Aim: The aim of the Assessment Task 1 is to investigate the effect of 1)temperature, 2)pH and 3)substrate concentration on the action of enzyme such as catalase on hydrogen peroxide. Background knowledge: Enzymes are organic catalysts composed of proteins that assist organisms in facilitating metabolic reactions without undergoing any change themselves. Enzymes are sensitive to their environment and so must remain within a stable range of factors ( pH, temperature , substrate concentration etc) for them to function.Any deviations from this stable state can result in decreased efficiency or even the denaturing (destruction) of the enzyme. What affects enzymes: 1)Temperature- Enzymes stop working if the temperature rises above 40? C. Increasing the temperature alters the 3D shape and so the enzyme can no longer fit the substrate. 2)pH- They work best in neutral conditions neither acidic nor alkaline. 3)Substrate concentration – Increasing the substrate concentration, increases t he activiy of the enzymes till it reaches an optimal point beyond which there is no change in the enzyme acitivity.Catalase Enzyme: The activity of an enzyme can be demonstrated using liver, which contains the enzyme, catalase. Hydrogen peroxide breaks down slowly to form water and oxygen. One molecule of Catalase can deal with six million molecules of Hydrogen Peroxide in 1 minute. This breakdown happens rapidly in the present of the Catalase and Oxygen gas evolves rapidly and can be tested with a glowing splint or rising bubbles (variable). Changes in the temperature, acidity (pH) and concentration of the hydrogen peroxide will affect the rate of the reaction.The control was to have a test tube of just substrate without any enzymes present. The validity would be to test each variable in isolation without mixing any of the 3 variables namely, the pH, temp and substrate concentration. The amount of catalase and hydrogen peroxide will remain the same in all the test tubes. Hypothesis : The hypothesis is that since hydrogen peroxide breaks down into water and oxygen gas because of the enzyme, it is expected that with change in temperature of the catalase, oxygen bubbles would form.Apparatus / Equipment used: -test tubes & test tube racks -pipettes -Tweezers -Ruler -Water baths (for temperature control) -Ice bucket -Thermometer -Beakers -Hotplates -Measuring cylinder -Vinegar -Bi-Carb Soda -pH paper -pH meters Paper towels to cover up spills -Pen and paper to record results Ingredients used: -Liver ( enzyme called catalase) -Hydrogen Peroxide Equipment setup: The test tubes were setup up in a test tube rack. Ice bucket to cool and hot water bucket to warm were also kept in readiness.Experiment 1 (Temperature): Procedure: 1)I put on the work shirt, goggles, gloves and footwear as a safety measure. 2)I chopped up 3 equal pieces of liver. 3)I placed 1 piece of liver into one test tube each. 4)I prepared 3 test tubes each containing 10ml of hydrogen peroxide. 5)I setu p a water baths with 100 Celcius temperature, for temperature control using the thermometer, to ensure the correct temperature was maintained. 6)I placed 2 test tubes containing liver and hydrogen peroxide each into the water bath. )When the correct temperature was reached, I quickly transferred the liver using tweezers into the test tube containing hydrogen peroxide from the same water bath 8)I looked for any oxygen bubbles rising up in the test tube and measured the rise using a ruler 9)I repeated the above steps with 350 Celcius temperature. 10)I repeated the above steps with 350 Celcius temperature. 11)I allowed the test tube contents to cool down before disposing off the liquid waste into the sink with plenty of water and the solid waste contents carefully into the appropriate bin. 12)I rinsed all apparatus used and dried them for future use.Results of Experiment 1: It was observed that with 100 C, the temperature was too low and there was not enough heat for Catalase to cataly se the reaction well. At 350C temperature, the bubbles produced froth and it appeared like all the enzymes were catalyzing reactios. When the temperature rose to 500C, the bubbles went down, indicating that the temperature was too high, resulting in a breakdown of the enzyme called denaturation. The results when plotted resulted in a bell shaped curve. As temperature increases so to does the kinetic energy of the enzyme and substrate molecules which randomly collide.The frequency of collisions increases as the temperature increases thus initially increasing the rate of reaction. This occurs up to a maximum rate of reaction and the temperature at which the maximum rate of reaction is reached is referred to as the optimum temperature. Beyond the optimum temperature, increasing temperature increases the kinetic energy of the molecules to the point that the three-dimensional shape of the enzyme can be lost. Thus the shape of its active site changes and can no longer bind to the substrat e, reducing the rate of reaction beyond the optimum temperature.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Prison and Asylum Reform in the 19th Century Essay

In early American society, criminals that were held by our government we executed, whipped, and held in a dark cell for a short amount of time. The insane wandered around as a danger to themselves and people around them; and the churches caer took the poor. In the 1820s and 1830s there was a growing number of criminals, lunatics, and the poor people. Reformers wanted to establish an official institute for them. The reformers believed that reform and rehabilitation was possible in a controlled environment. The reformers had a few goals that they wanted to establish. They wanted more separation; the mentally ill children should not be held together with the convicts. They also wanted better prison grounds with better conditions. They wanted the abuse to be reduced; no more whipping and other forms of torture. They wanted change. Dorothea Dix was a Sunday school teacher at the East Cambridge jail. There, she was exposed to the horrible conditions these people had to live with such as no heat, no separation between the criminals, the children and the mentally ill. Dorothea was horrified by this and secured a court order to make improvements. She wondered about other jails in Massachusetts; so she traveled and the conditions were worse. She was so disturbed by what she saw she set out to reform prisons and asylums everywhere. Dorothea was a major factor in the reform. She helped cause awareness to the serious matter and she was responsible for the building of hospitals for the insane. In 1835 The United States had two of the best prisons in Pennsylvania. The two prisons were a product of the on going reform and were both a success. New York and Pennsylvania had the best prisons because they experimented with solitary confinement, where the criminal could reflect on their sins and not be infl uenced by other inmates. Dorothea Dix, in March of 1841, taught a Sunday class for woman at the East Cambridge Jail. This shows that she thinks that even if people are in jail or prison, that they are still people but just need to be world with. The question we are looking for is if prisons were meant for punishment or to help make these people better people for the future; future was a big question at that time. All in all, most of these reformers’ goals were met. They wanted change and they got it. They believed in something so much with such passion that they actually changed American history; and that is why  American justice system is one of the best.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Analysis Of The Uk Renewable Energy Industry Environmental Sciences Essay

Analysis Of The Uk Renewable Energy Industry Environmental Sciences Essay Renewable energy is the energy generated from natural resources such as biomass, sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and geothermal heat, which are renewable, that is, naturally replenished(Wikipedia, 2010). Renewable energy technologies are essential contributors to energy supply portfolio, as they contribute to world energy security, reduce dependency on fossil fuels, and provide opportunities for mitigating greenhouse gases (IEA, 2007). Renewable energy is also considered by some to be a potentially significant contributor toward the economic development of rural areas, a means of reducing poverty through the creation of employment and improving the quality of lives (Mark et al, 2008). Renewable energy sources were very unpopular in the past decades because of their comparative cost disadvantage. With the exception of large hydropower, combustible biomass, and larger geothermal projects, the average cost of renewable energy are generally not competitive with the wholesale electricity an d fossil fuel prices(IEA, 2007). However, this decade has witnessed a tremendous development in renewable energy sector. The rising oil prices, issue of global warming , carbon gas emission, terrorism and political instability in many oil producing countries in the middle east are the major forces driving this development. The International Energy Agency estimates that nearly 50% of global electricity supplies will need to come from renewable energy sources in order to reduce carbon dioxide emission by 50% by 2050 and minimise significant, irreversible climate change impacts (IEA, 2008). During the five- years period from the end of 2004 -2009, worldwide renewable energy grew at the rates of 10-60% for many technologies (REN21, 2010). In 2008 for the first time, more renewable energy than convectional power capacity was added in both European Union and United States, demonstrating â€Å"a fundamental transition† of the world’s energy markets towards renewable (Eric et al, 2009). Renewable energy sector is growing at a very amazing rate in UK. Between 2003 and 2009 there was 138 per cent increase in power generation from renewables in the UK, but faster rates of growth were recorded in Northern Ireland (702 per cent), East Midlands (268 per cent), North East (211 per cent), Scotland (188 per cent), South East (146 per cent) and Yorkshire and the Humber (139 per cent) (DECC, 2010). Higher growth rate is expected in the next decade. This can be inferred from the fact that power generation from the UK’s oil and gas and nuclear reactors have been on a long-term downward trend and tend towards the end of their life span (Keynote, 2008). As a result, UK government has devised a comprehensive approach to support the development of the renewable energy sector through the UK renewable energy strategy 2009. Renewable energy in UK is supported through a range of measures. The renewable obligation Order requires electricity suppliers to purchase a spec ified amount of the electricity they supply from renewable sources (Keynote, 2010). Renewable Obligation Certificates (ROCs) are obtained to demonstrate that renewable sources have been used. The climate change levy is a fossil-fuel tax from which exemptions can be obtained by using certain renewable technologies. Capital grants are available for research and development for a wide range of renewable energy projects. Grants are also available for the cultivation of energy crops. Obviously, these are good incentives to stimulate investments in renewable energy. However, investors need assurance that these incentives and subsidies will be available over a larger part of the product life cycle and not just trap-in-incentives. This will enable renewable energy companies to build a more stable and viable strategic plan to take best advantage of the incentives.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Loan modification rules Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Loan modification rules - Essay Example The Home Affordable Modification Program The Home Affordable Modification Program is intended to help as many as 3 to 4 million economically stressed homeowners prevent foreclosure by altering mortgage loan payments that is reasonable (â€Å"Home Affordable Modification Program†). The program attempts to alter the mortgage payment to 31% of the homeowner’s monthly income. Reducing the mortgage payment to 31% of pretax income is achieved first by having the interest rate for the mortgage decreased to as low as 2%. The second step will be to lengthen the term of the loan to 40 years and if the payment still has not reached the targeted threshold, the lender can withhold principal and charge interest on a part of the loan. Qualifications The qualifications to decrease the monthly mortgage payment to 31% of the homeowner’s income are uniform throughout the mortgage industry. The Home Affordable Modification Program offers homeowner’s mortgage payment changes i f they are have trouble making mortgage payments because of a hardship.

Monday, October 7, 2019

How harry potter fans conceptualise and talk about identities Essay

How harry potter fans conceptualise and talk about identities - Essay Example According to time magazine the aspects of political and social of harry potter (2007), led to the American civil war. About the message in Harry Porter, Rowling states that she wishes to join different world without problems of hierarchy, bigotry and notion of cleanliness. Further states that before ministries are taken over, there are disagreements to regimes that are known and loved. Rowling advocates that authorities should be questioned and not to fully trust the press. (Time magazine, 2007) Main body Rowling encountered big opposition on matters of education against indoctrination. This has clearly been demonstrated on the issue of gay raised by Bill O’Reilly. He was accusing Potter for indoctrinating children to gay, through an outing by his character Albus Dumbledore. In his defense, senior editor Tina Jordan brushed it off as an argument that is shallow. Tina further stated that gay people are well known, and it did not matter whether people knew or not. On continued d iscussion, O’Reilly pointed a finger at Rowling for teaching acceptance and equivalence of homosexuals and heterosexual. On the contrary, his guest Dennis Miller stated that acceptance was good and a child could not be indoctrinated into being gay. (weekly,2003) Catholic Church also had a problem with the books written by Rowling. An organization of roman church in America, accused Rowling of using occult language and mechanisms to indoctrinate children to gay. In Berkley Beacon’s opinion, he says that one parent’s view of indoctrination could be another’s education. Berkley had the intention of countering charges against Rowling that her books promoted homosexuality. At the pick of the controversy, Rowling stated that he did not base on Christian fundamentalists. Rowling also faced challenges with the issues of: racism, Nazism and ethnic cleansing. On the issue of racism, she was not pessimistic but realistic it could be changed. Further, Rowling argued that a committed racist will not be changed by Harry Potter. After Deathly Hallows was published, Rowling answered the e questions on metaphors in ethnic cleansing books. According to her, ‘ethnic cleansing ‘is a political metaphor. Arguably she did not intend to create a Nazi Germany. In her book tour 2007 Rowling discussed about the disagreements to Nazism. On her website, Rowling stated that some of phrases used by Harry Potter were equally used by the Nazis. Phrases such as ‘muggle-born’, ‘half blood’ and ‘pure blood’ had the same hidden logic of death eaters. Another similarity is that of lightening bolt shaped scar. Harry received the scar as a result of a curse from Voldemort, is also a sign of sir Oswald Mosley British union of fascists; Nazi sympathizers (1930s-1940s). According to Rowling, Mosley had married Diana Mitford who had a sister Jessica, whom he named her daughter after. In 1936 Oswald and Diana got married in Be rlin and Adolf Hitler was a guest. Rowling further noted that Unity, Mitford’s sister an arch-fascist was Hitler’s favorite. Narcissa black Harry’s story was developed by Jessica’s story; Diana Mosley married Oswald Mosley (death eater). Her sister unity, was a death eater too. Jessica Mitford married Ted Tonk (muggle-born), even though the family was against it. Since she had eloped with Esmond Romilly her cousin, she was send away by her family. These disagreements were noted by a communist paper in America